Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Zero dollar explanation

When your spouse goes on maternity leave, your budget for home improvement goes way down.  Call me cheap (I prefer frugal), but I've always tried to re purpose left over materials whenever I could. (Who am I kidding of course I'm cheap),  Seeing a pile of pre-loved wood or metal sends my imagination into over drive.  So when I bought a house in 2009 that contained plenty of spare parts in the storage room, lets just say my wife had to remind me that just because I want to build something, doesn't mean we need that particular something.

My zeal for starting projects has gotten me into trouble in the past. "When are you going to finish the bathroom steps?" I will tell you about the jobs I finished. "What fun would finishing everything be. I wouldn't have anything to do!" This blog will chronicle my builds, with emphasis on each projects budget.  My objective is always a zero dollar project.  Hopefully the things I build inspire you to think more about creativity and less about money. 

W A R N I N G ! ! 

The following blog entries may tempt the The No Budget Handyman in you.

I take no responsibility for marital trouble caused by unfinished projects. 

I do take responsibility for the enjoyment and self satisfaction you receive from completing something for little or no cost.  Remember to always finish enough projects that you are allowed to keep following along.

I will introduce you to my poker table, new front steps, storage room shelving, and a fire pit. So far only one of the projects has required money to leave my pocket for anything bigger than a bag of screws.  (Sometimes you need to keep your spouse appeased with something shiny and new to keep working on the cheap!) The trick is, to see if you can guess which one was paid for.

Feel free to email your ideas for projects to test my construction frugality.  I appreciate comments.  Soon I will have links to the pictures of my projects on my website.  Stay tuned!

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